Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy


With ever-increasing news of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spreading globally, I have had many patients ask me what they can do (in addition to proper and frequent hand washing, staying away from sick people, staying at home if you are sick, not traveling or traveling only when absolutely necessary, etc.) to maintain a healthy immune system to protect themselves and their family. 

Here is what you can do:

1) Take immune-boosting herbs and supplements. 
There are powerful immune-boosting herbal tinctures you can take preventatively. We are happy to ship them to you or you can stop by the office anytime during business hours to pick them up. 

You can easily stop by our online dispensary - WholeScripts - to order the most important immune-boosting supplements:

1) Immune Essentials - take 2-4 caps daily. 
2) GarliX - 1-2 caps per day. 
3) Immunotix250 - 1-2 caps daily. 

If you are not yet set up, please follow the following link to register. Simply enter Referral Code DHMCODE.

2) Get weekly Immune Booster injections (a concoction of high dose Vitamin C, Myer's cocktail, Glutathione and B-complex) - keep your immune system strong, so you do not get sick in the first place. 

3) Make homemade Fire Cider and drink one shot daily. 
Follow this link for a simple, yet effective, recipe on how to make fire cider, a POWERHOUSE for keeping the immune system strong and fighting off pathogens and viruses. 

4) Get weekly acupuncture. 
Acupuncture has been shown over and over again to be a powerful modulator of the immune system. Treatments accumulate in effectiveness over time, so the more often and more consistently you get treatment, the more effective the effect will be. You can book online or call us at (303) 862-8756.